Refund policy
For contact please reach out to our "customer-support" channel in our Discord server.
Once there please write a ticket with your concerns and we will answer as soon as possible.
No Refunds.
Please keep in mind 3DMA is a start-up funded by an entrepreneur, this is not a registered company.
"EU consumer protection rules ensure that when you buy goods and services in the EU you have clear information on the product or service you're buying, its price, shipping and delivery costs as well as on your rights when things go wrong.
Transparency online. As a consumer you have a right to know the status of any online seller. Online marketplaces must indicate whether a seller is a trader (registered company or individual entrepreneur) or a private individual. This distinction is important because you are protected under EU consumer legislation only if you buy from a trader. The marketplace must warn you about this when choosing an offer from a private individual.
Try our easy to use tool to help you understand your rights when you buy in the EU."
For contact please reach out to our "customer-support" channel in our Discord server.
Once there please write a ticket with your concerns and we will answer as soon as possible.